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To Treasure Whales


"Dedicated to the protection and celebration of whales and their unique marine heritage in Niue and throughout the South Pacific Region"


Founded in 2005, Oma Tafua is Niue's own local initiative educating and training local residents about the annual Humpback Whales visiting their waters. From July until October, mothers and calves use Niue's seas to rest, nurse and conserve their energy for the upcoming journey to Antarctica's summer feeding grounds.


Niue's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has been declared a 'Whale Sanctuary' ensuring whales entering a 200 nautical mile radius around Niue will be in safe waters.



Designed by Niue Graphic Artist - James Brown



The Oma Tafua logo encapsulates Niue's cultural affiliation with marine mammals especially the Humpback Whale.

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oma tafua - niue island - south pacific - whale conservation and research and education programme  © 2014 

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